
Monday, October 31, 2011

货车追尾 工业大道南新滘西路口堵塞2小时

货车追尾 工业大道南新滘西路口堵塞2小时 昨天早上6时20分左右,工业大道南新滘西路口发生一起货车追尾事故,造成该路段交通堵塞两个小时,所幸无人员伤亡。 据现场目击者称,6时20分左右,一辆绿色集装箱货柜车自东向西方向行驶,突然与前面两辆集装箱货柜车发 ... 货车追尾 工业大道南新滘西路口堵塞2小时

Lin Bowen - Cardinals Red Sox legend and tragedy

Lin Bowen - Cardinals Red Sox legend and tragedy Major League Baseball (MLB) game Star team in Taiwan, fans blessed. St. Louis Cardinals beat the Rangers in Arlington, Texas, received this year's World Series championship, in 2011 baseball season, along with an "October Classic" the end of the curtain. Stars tour in Asia, the U.S. is also conducting two local MLB postseason event, one contract with the team name or the outside ...Lin Bowen - Cardinals Red Sox legend and tragedy


五大计划重点关爱外来人员(图) 本报讯(记者邓柱峰 通讯员伍新宇、关艳娟)"用爱心赶走冷漠,用行动实践关爱……"昨天上午,南海区文明行动倡议暨大沥镇关爱建设启动仪式在大沥体育公园举行,区委常委、大沥镇委书记李志伦宣读了"关爱共融 晴暖南海 ... 五大计划重点关爱外来人员(图)

نايف : إمكانياتنا مسخرة لمنع إيذاء أي حاج

نايف : إمكانياتنا مسخرة لمنع إيذاء أي حاج أكد الأمير نايف بن عبدالعزيز ولي العهد السعودي ووزير الداخلية أن إمكانيات المملكة " مسخرة لمنع إيذاء أي حاج أو مجموعة من الحجاج". أوعرب الأمير نايف عن أمله، في مستهل مؤتمر صحفي سنوي للحج عقد أمس في ميدان قوات الطوارئ الخاصة بعرفات في ختام جولته ... نايف : إمكانياتنا مسخرة لمنع إيذاء أي حاج

Sub-Yi Bozhi smash "differences" rumor

Sub-Yi Bozhi smash "differences" rumor WASHINGTON According to "Beijing News" reported, directed by Korean director Xuqin Hao, Zhang Ziyi, Cecilia Cheung, Jang Dong-gun film, "Dangerous Liaisons" hot shot recently in Shanghai Songjiang. Recently, a magazine reported that actress Zhang Ziyi and Cecilia Cheung two to fight and not play, the message triggered by the phone after the newspaper reproduced a number of ...Sub-Yi Bozhi smash "differences" rumor

Sec. Clinton's Mom, Dorothy Rodham, Dies

Sec. Clinton's Mom, Dorothy Rodham, Dies By AP / DOUGLASS K. DANIEL and MATTHEW LEE Tuesday, Nov. 01, 2011 (WASHINGTON) — Dorothy Rodham, mother of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and former President Bill Clinton's mother-in-law, died Tuesday at age 92 after an illness. ... Sec. Clinton's Mom, Dorothy Rodham, Dies

Deng Fei: "free lunch" will continue to day 3 dollars is not enough

Deng Fei: "free lunch" will continue to day 3 dollars is not enough Six months ago, Deng and other flying more than 500 correspondents, together with China Education Foundation for Social Welfare "free lunch" public actions, initiatives in accordance with the standard 3 yuan a meal to provide free lunches for poor children and set off a wave of private charity. Recently, the new good news for this "boom" reached "boiling point." ...Deng Fei: "free lunch" will continue to day 3 dollars is not enough

3.7寸SLCD屏幕!HTC Rhyme到售2890元

3.7寸SLCD屏幕!HTC Rhyme到售2890元 近期HTC虽然动作频繁,但是亮点机型并不多,被许多网友戏称这回轮到HTC秉持科技以换壳为本了。而HTC Rhyme则是其新发布的一款Android智能手机,集成了Sense 3.5最新界面,同时配备有高通1GHz处理器、768MB RAM,3.7英寸 ... 3.7寸SLCD屏幕!HTC Rhyme到售2890元


中科院:创新故事越来越多 11月1日,是中科院的"生日"。已经走过62个春秋的中科院给历史留下了许多故事,而在近十几年中,有关创新的故事越来越多。 三年前,中科院理化所的詹文山研究员在别人的眼里就是一个"大财主",他可以支配国家财政部拨付 ... 中科院:创新故事越来越多

The establishment of low-cost subsidiary of Singapore Airlines fares Scoot up to 40% cheaper

The establishment of low-cost subsidiary of Singapore Airlines fares Scoot up to 40% cheaper The world's 2nd largest aviation market in Singapore Airlines (Singapore Airlines) (SIA-SIN), Tuesday (1) announced the establishment of low-cost airlines Scoot, is expected to begin operation in mid-next year, the first wave of flight points, including China and Australia. Scoot Airlines CEO Campbell Wilson said, Scoot will operate independently, all the crew will also benefit from a separate external recruitment. ...The establishment of low-cost subsidiary of Singapore Airlines fares Scoot up to 40% cheaper


2011年国际并购投资预计将大幅增长 中广网北京11月1日消息(记者陈亮)记者从中国驻法国使馆经商处了解到,据OECD最新发布的国际投资消息显示,截至10月21日,2011年国际并购投资(International M&A Investment)额达8220亿美元,照此速度发展,预计全年国 ... 2011年国际并购投资预计将大幅增长

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Respondents: Pharmaceutical contract manufacturing companies, contract manufacturing pharmaceutical company

Respondents: Pharmaceutical contract manufacturing companies, contract manufacturing pharmaceutical company 3. Research methodologies: direct interviews with our expert researchers in this study and literature review combined with mailed surveys are planned and developed its own drug manufacturing, outsourcing is defined as if you outsource all or part of the development. Outsourcing is purely external to the company.Respondents: Pharmaceutical contract manufacturing companies, contract manufacturing pharmaceutical company

海信电视全国巡展首发江城 演绎智能新生活

海信电视全国巡展首发江城 演绎智能新生活 当下,迎面而来的智能化浪潮,正在影响着我们生活的方方面面,作为最普及的消费电子产品,电视机的智能化已经呈现不可阻挡之势。电视机已经不再是一个只用来收看电视节目的冰冷的盒子,电视已经能听懂你说的话、能明白 ... 海信电视全国巡展首发江城 演绎智能新生活

No Closure For Jackson Family Despite Trial

No Closure For Jackson Family Despite Trial Michael Jackson's brother has told Sky News the family will never get closure following the star's unexpected death - whatever the outcome of his doctor's trial. Tito Jackson is in London helping to promote a new film about the pop star's life. ... No Closure For Jackson Family Despite Trial

Japanese settlers killed near Sao Paulo in Brazil

Japanese settlers killed near Sao Paulo in Brazil Suzano Japanese immigrants land near the city - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil Sao Paulo Joint Village "H. Fu" on the night of October 29, Mr. Minoru Kuroki Agriculture (60) attacked the trio broke into the house, received a bullet to the head died. Revealed that 31 local officials. Sao Paulo, Consulate General of Japan is currently collecting information in a hurry.Japanese settlers killed near Sao Paulo in Brazil

Deal reached in US 2001 anthrax death suit

Deal reached in US 2001 anthrax death suit MIAMI (Reuters) - The widow of a Florida tabloid photo editor who was the first of five people to die in 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States has reached a settlement with the US government in her wrongful death damages lawsuit against it, ... Deal reached in US 2001 anthrax death suit

Council of claims JA TEPCO 10 billion

Council of claims JA TEPCO 10 billion JA Group composed of the prefecture, "County Council Anti-TEPCO nuclear accident damages agricultural products" (Chairman, Chairman of the Central Province JA Yukihiko Tanuma =) on January 31 agricultural products by Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident requested to TEPCO 10 135 300 000 000 million yen in damages second victim. This last claim, TEPCO visited Morioka.Council of claims JA TEPCO 10 billion

حمد يحذر الأسد من "اللف والدوران" ووفد سوريا يغادر بلا رد

حمد يحذر الأسد من "اللف والدوران" ووفد سوريا يغادر بلا رد أكد رئيس الوزراء وزير الخارجية القطري، الشيخ حمد بن جاسم، الليلة الماضية في ختام اجتماع اللجنة الوزارية العربية حول الملف السوري، أن اللجنة قدمت ورقة لوقف العنف في سورية وطلبت دمشق مهلة حتى اليوم للرد عليها، لكن الوفد السوري المشارك في الاجتماع غادر ... حمد يحذر الأسد من "اللف والدوران" ووفد سوريا يغادر بلا رد

USA stopper pengestrøm til Unesco

USA stopper pengestrøm til Unesco 18:55 USA gør nu alvor af truslerne om at trække sin økonomiske støtte til Unesco efter FN-organets beslutning om at give palæstinenserne fuldt medlemskab. "Vi skulle have bidraget med 60 millioner dollar til Unesco i november, og det bidrag vil vi ... USA stopper pengestrøm til Unesco

A new generation of carrier rockets have been a number of important breakthroughs in key technologies

A new generation of carrier rockets have been a number of important breakthroughs in key technologies Jiuquan, Gansu Province Xinhua News Agency October 31 (Reporter Li Xuanliang, Tian Zhao Yun) manned space launch vehicle system designer Jing Mu-chun told Oct. 31 Xinhua News Agency reporters interview revealed that the smooth development of China's new generation of large launch vehicle, has broken a number of key technologies. ...A new generation of carrier rockets have been a number of important breakthroughs in key technologies

'Amazing Race' recap: Africa, tobacco and a smile

'Amazing Race' recap: Africa, tobacco and a smile Malawi looks like a really pleasant place. The warehouse workers get to wear teal jumpsuits — did you hear, teal is the color for fall? — and they clap and sing at work. Regular people, who often carry things around on their heads, are good-looking ... 'Amazing Race' recap: Africa, tobacco and a smile

市场再次聚焦美国经济 美联储站回“前台”

市场再次聚焦美国经济 美联储站回 随着欧债危机的阴云渐渐散去,投资者将关心目光转向了美国经济状况。美国经济目前仍处于不景气,但已呈现出好于预期的恢复力,在一系列好转的经济数据公布后,美联储(Fed)或在本周保持谨慎。 嘉盛集团分析师Brian ... 市场再次聚焦美国经济 美联储站回"前台"

First prize in the General Assembly of Chinese documentary proposal released

First prize in the General Assembly of Chinese documentary proposal released (Central News Agency Taipei, 31 - Reporter Zheng Jingwen) The 2nd "Chinese documentary proposal of the General Assembly" by Wang Wenming, "between 2012 sand has been on the clouds", Ya-Ling Lee "leap out of control" with the received first prize, they will share NT $ 300,000 as seed money shot. Founded in 2010 CNEX 1st "Chinese documentary Proposal Conference" (CNEX Chinese Doc Forum, CCDF), to create a documentary film industry ...First prize in the General Assembly of Chinese documentary proposal released


美元指数创两年来最大跌幅 欧盟峰会达成解决欧债危机的协议,使市场对欧债危机可能蔓延拖累全球经济的担忧减轻。另外,美国公布的第三季度GDP增速高于预期。这些消息使得市场情绪趋于乐观,上周非美货币在欧元带领下强劲冲高,美元指数则创出两 ... 美元指数创两年来最大跌幅

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Professional Football Association, serving the visually impaired read to

Professional Football Association, serving the visually impaired read to The Korea Professional Football Association on November 1, Nowon-gu, Nowon-blind welfare of the K-League clubs coaches and players involved 'creating an audiobook readers and Braille business cards' to volunteer. Federation and South Korea all de Stan Chartered Financial Group stock in the event organized in conjunction with bakgyeonghun Jeju United manager ...Professional Football Association, serving the visually impaired read to

亚青赛预赛首战印尼 国青主帅豪言大比分取胜

亚青赛预赛首战印尼 国青主帅豪言大比分取胜 本报讯(记者孙永军)今天下午4点,中国国青队将在马来西亚吉隆坡迎战亚青赛预赛小组第一个对手印尼队。这是U18国青组队以来首次参加大赛,也是国青荷兰籍新帅里克林克的初考。赛前,信心十足的里克林克要求队员不但要 ... 亚青赛预赛首战印尼 国青主帅豪言大比分取胜

Vasco empata sem gols com o São Paulo

Vasco empata sem gols com o São Paulo Em jogo válido pela 32ª rodada do Brasileirão, o Vasco recebeu o São Paulo em São Januário. A partida terminou empatada sem gols. O jogo começou com uma ofensiva dos visitantes, ameaçando com Lucas e Carlinhos Paraíba, mas sem efetividade. ... Vasco empata sem gols com o São Paulo

[Opens the morning / October 31] The Moment of Truth

[Opens the morning / October 31] The Moment of Truth This does no real hurry? Too early to look forward to ten thousand and one optimistic. The European Union (EU) summit at the end of the 27th all-night negotiating settlement body of released private creditors for the Greek government bonds to 50% larger share of the loss, and financial stability in Europe Fund (EFSF) to € 1 trillion, increasing the ...[Opens the morning / October 31] The Moment of Truth

El padre de Simoncelli pide un minuto de jaleo por su hijo en el GP de Valencia

El padre de Simoncelli pide un minuto de jaleo por su hijo en el GP de Valencia Roma, 30 oct (EFE).- El padre del recientemente fallecido motociclista italiano Marco Simoncelli pidió hoy que en el Gran Premio de la Comunitat Valenciana que se disputará el próximo 6 de noviembre, en vez de guardar el habitual minuto de silencio, ... El padre de Simoncelli pide un minuto de jaleo por su hijo en el GP de Valencia

Indonesia rattled by 5.6-magnitude quake

Indonesia rattled by 5.6-magnitude quake A 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck off the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Sunday, geologists said, although there were no immediate reports of damage or tsunami notices issued. Illustration showing a seismic graph. A 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck off ... Indonesia rattled by 5.6-magnitude quake

Giant Food Festival Chongqing hot pot pot ten meters world record depth of three meters in diameter the largest pot

Giant Food Festival Chongqing hot pot pot ten meters world record depth of three meters in diameter the largest pot Cold weather, the pot goes to the season, talked about pot, without mentioning the Sichuan spicy hot pot. Sichuan, Chongqing hot pot being held annual International Food Festival, set a Guinness Book of World Records with a giant duck pot, in the end how much a look. The bubbles continue to emerge piping hot water, do not rush to jump into the hot springs, this is certified by the Guinness Book of World Records, the world's largest Super ...Giant Food Festival Chongqing hot pot pot ten meters world record depth of three meters in diameter the largest pot

Rugby - Top 14 - e J. Castres crie au hold-up

Rugby - Top 14 - e J. Castres crie au hold-up Grosse colère du côté du CO. Laurent Labit fulmine après l'arbitrage et estime que son équipe s'est faite voler. Romain Teulet, lui, tente de calmer le jeu. Laurent Labit est très mécontent de l'arbitrage du match entre Castres et le Racing. ... Rugby - Top 14 - e J. Castres crie au hold-up

Turkey Earthquake buried 13-year-old boy rescued over 108 hours (Fig.)

Turkey Earthquake buried 13-year-old boy rescued over 108 hours (Fig.) According to foreign media reports, Turkey, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake has entered the fifth day, rescue workers on the 28th morning in the earthquake-hit town of Al Seth ruins of an apartment building successfully rescued a 13-year-old boy. The boy named Farhat? Tokaj, buried in the ruins of more than 108 hours, he has ...Turkey Earthquake buried 13-year-old boy rescued over 108 hours (Fig.)

Χωρίς ρεύμα πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ λόγω χιονοθύελλας

Χωρίς ρεύμα πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ λόγω χιονοθύελλας Εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες άνθρωποι στις βορειοανατολικές ΗΠΑ αντιμετωπίζουν διακοπές της ηλεκτροδότησης εν μέσω μιας ασυνήθιστης για την εποχή χιονοθύελλας, η οποία άρχισε το Σάββατο. Σύμφωνα με το τηλεοπτικό δίκτυο CBS, πάνω από 500.000 νοικοκυριά ... Χωρίς ρεύμα πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ λόγω χιονοθύελλας

한화차이나, 中다롄 온천리조트 개발사업 참여

한화차이나, 中다롄 온천리조트 개발사업 참여 (서울=연합뉴스) 김남권 기자 = 한화그룹의 중국 사업을 총괄하는 한화차이나는 29일 홍콩 그랜드하얏트호텔에서 중국 이다그룹과 온천리조트 개발사업에 공동으로 참여하는 업무협약(MOU)을 체결했다고 30일 밝혔다. 양사는 합자회사를 세워 중국 다롄(大連)시의 ... 한화차이나, 中다롄 온천리조트 개발사업 참여

Tai Chi Wushu World Championships men's silver medal Sekiya

Tai Chi Wushu World Championships men's silver medal Sekiya World Wushu Championships held on October 9-14 in Ankara, Turkey, the third Ken Tai Chi Wushu Federation Sekiya, Osaka (23) won the silver medal in the men's Tai Chi. "Monday, long time. Was relieved to go home with one medal in Osaka," Mr. Sekiya is a comprehensive broke. Tai Chi is a lifelong sport in Japan.Tai Chi Wushu World Championships men's silver medal Sekiya

湖南衡阳矿难已致28名矿工遇难 一人生死未卜

湖南衡阳矿难已致28名矿工遇难 一人生死未卜 新华网湖南衡阳10月30日电(记者丁文杰 周楠)记者在湖南衡阳市霞流冲煤矿现场采访了解到,29日下午6时多发生的瓦斯爆炸事故最新确定有28名矿工遇难,6人经过营救生还,被送到医院救治,目前仍有1人被困生死不明,4支救 ... 湖南衡阳矿难已致28名矿工遇难 一人生死未卜

Friday, October 28, 2011

Lan-Yu Railway construction of a manned vehicle roll-over due to irregularities caused 24 deaths

Lan-Yu Railway construction of a manned vehicle roll-over due to irregularities caused 24 deaths Reporters learned from the Gansu Provincial Bureau of Work Safety, at 7:30 on the 29th, in Lan-Yu Railway Railway 19th Bureau is located in a bid of Dingxi City, Township flowers Lintao County Man Wa tunnel construction site within the village, occurred in rollovers of vehicles transporting construction workers . Up to now, resulting in 24 deaths and four serious injuries. China Railway 19th Bureau Group, Department of Lan-Yu Railway Project 29, a responsible person briefed reporters on the day morning in Gansu ...Lan-Yu Railway construction of a manned vehicle roll-over due to irregularities caused 24 deaths

Liga BBVA. Jornada 11. Valencia 3-1 Getafe

Liga BBVA. Jornada 11. Valencia 3-1 Getafe Comparte nuestras noticias con tus amigos en la red social que utilizan millones de personas en todo el mundo. Comparte nuestras noticias con tus amigos en esta popular red social. Sitio web que se sirve de la inteligencia colectiva para dar a conocer ... Liga BBVA. Jornada 11. Valencia 3-1 Getafe

New iPhone Apps Improve Car Service Record Keeping, Reports

New iPhone Apps Improve Car Service Record Keeping, Reports A growing number of iPhone apps are helping drivers keep better track of service and maintenance records for their cars, according to, the premier online resource for automotive information. "These new smartphone apps are offering a ... New iPhone Apps Improve Car Service Record Keeping, Reports

Guangdong Jiangmen attract overseas-funded construction of nearly 60 million civilized village

Guangdong Jiangmen attract overseas-funded construction of nearly 60 million civilized village BEIJING, Oct. 29 Xinhua Jiangmen (Chenhao Guang Jian Group) Reporters 29 Foreign Affairs Qiao Wuju learned from Jiangmen City, to now, Jiangmen City, the capital of civilization building in the village donated more than half from overseas compatriots, attracting overseas-funded 59,580,000 diversity, a strong push forward the construction of socialist new countryside. According to reports, "overseas love works? ...Guangdong Jiangmen attract overseas-funded construction of nearly 60 million civilized village

河南九里山矿难已造成14人死亡 仍有4人被困

河南九里山矿难已造成14人死亡 仍有4人被困 订东北网彩信手机报,移动发KTDBW到10658333,联通发DBWY到1065566600,电信发DBWY到10628999。 10月27日凌晨0点36分,河南焦作九里山煤矿发生煤与瓦斯突出事故。图为救援现场。中新社发王中举摄 中新社焦作10月29日电 ... 河南九里山矿难已造成14人死亡 仍有4人被困


蔡英文:若當選__落實原民自治 民主進步黨總統參選人蔡英文今天說,若執政,將落實原住民族自治,成立自治區及規劃提供穩定財源,尤其在發展原鄉經濟上,不僅將成立專有基金,並給予原住民事業專營權。 蔡英文下午到新北市立樹林高級中學出席全國原住民族後援總會誓師大會,受到數百名原住民支持者 ... 蔡英文:若當選__落實原民自治

Championship,粟生"conscious of Expertise" Feather WBC · S-class

Championship,粟生"conscious of Expertise" Feather WBC · S-class World Boxing Council (WBC) bout super featherweight (Gymnasium II in Yoyogi, November 06) Takahiro 粟生 champion take the defense of the second time (guiding philosophy) on June 29 launched a practice in the gym belongs to Tokyo The "all is well. to show the boxing training as a unified street battle" and ...Championship,粟生"conscious of Expertise" Feather WBC · S-class

เบิกเงินสดทะลุวันละ2.2หมื่นล้าน ธปท.ตะลึงพรวด4เท่าตัว เล็งเว้นค่าต๋งเอทีเอ็มช่วย

เบิกเงินสดทะลุวันละ2.2หมื่นล้าน ธปท.ตะลึงพรวด4เท่าตัว เล็งเว้นค่าต๋งเอทีเอ็มช่วย ธปท.ถกรับมือน้ำท่วมยืดเยื้อ เผย 3 เคสประกาศปิดบริการการเงิน ถ้าระบบชำระดุลเกิน 20% น้ำท่วมระบบเน็ต ตะลึงแห่เบิกเงินสดเพิ่ม 4 เท่าตัว ทะลุ 2.2 หมื่นล้านต่อวัน เตรียมถกแบงก์เลิกค่าต๋งถอนเงินเอทีเอ็ม สั่งหาตู้เอทีเอ็มเคลื่อนที่บรรเทา นายประสาร ... เบิกเงินสดทะลุวันละ2.2หมื่นล้าน ธปท.ตะลึงพรวด4เท่าตัว เล็งเว้นค่าต๋งเอทีเอ็มช่วย

Thieves pry monitor ATM machine captured hat back away 500,000 pigs basket

Thieves pry monitor ATM machine captured hat back away 500,000 pigs basket Farmers big old man hat stolen iron kitchen knife, forced open the ATM machine, a large straw hat stolen pig cut grass basket filled with $ 500,000, a straw hat bank robber walked out, such a "straw hat bandit" HOLD you live it? Straw hat bandit occurred in Sichuan, a real case, bank monitoring photographed him stealing 500,000 yuan ...Thieves pry monitor ATM machine captured hat back away 500,000 pigs basket

白天购物不误晚上比赛 队友惊叹妖刀精力充沛

白天购物不误晚上比赛 队友惊叹妖刀精力充沛 早报嘉兴电 24日亮相稠州银行赛季新闻发布会,25、26日两天在球队的训练场上练了练投篮、恢复了下体能,27日晚上就赶到温岭首次亮相球队的热身赛,并且在两节多的上场时间里拿下了33分、10个篮板和10次助攻。 如果你了 ... 白天购物不误晚上比赛 队友惊叹妖刀精力充沛

希腊欢迎减记 市场谨慎乐观

希腊欢迎减记 市场谨慎乐观 希腊政府27日欢迎欧元区领导人敲定的希腊债务减记方案,称经历"历史性一天"。 不过,一些市场分析师警告,这项方案并不具新意,仅着眼短期,长期难题并未得到解决。 希腊政府发言人埃利亚斯·莫西亚洛斯说:"这是历史性的 ... 希腊欢迎减记 市场谨慎乐观

30 bottles of men and women on the streets burst melee injured 15 people with two Department

30 bottles of men and women on the streets burst melee injured 15 people with two Department At 5 pm, two groups of about 30 men and women in Tai Wai Chik Chuen Street fight outside a bar scuffle, bottle holders to go after. Police officers arrived at the scene and found two men were injured and was taken to hospital. Police officers four pocket cut in the nearby village of Merrill Lynch intercepted about 15 men and women with a Department investigation.30 bottles of men and women on the streets burst melee injured 15 people with two Department


胡锦涛主席将访问奥地利并出席二十国集团领导人第六次峰会 据《人民日报》北京10月28日电 外交部发言人姜瑜28日宣布:应奥地利共和国总统菲舍尔、二十国集团轮值主席国法国总统萨科齐邀请,国家主席胡锦涛将于10月30日至11月4日对奥地利进行国事访问并出席在法国戛纳举行的二 ... 胡锦涛主席将访问奥地利并出席二十国集团领导人第六次峰会

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